Planet Earth (2022), by Matthew Brown, is an impression of life on Earth during times of war. It is loosely inspired by Christopher Nolan's film Dunkirk (201 7) which depicts moments of
Dunkirk evacuation from three different points of view. The composer writes: 'In the closing few seconds of this work, I prefer to imagine Earth as if viewed from a distance.'
The work is comprised of 3 movements:
I - Land (Allegro)
II - Sea (Adagio)
III - Air (Vivace - Presto - Vivace - Tranquillo)
To view a performance of the work please visit (please note this is the quartet version).
Length: c8.00 minutes
2 Trumpets in Bb
Horn in F
A version for brass quartet is also available here.
Planet Earth (Brass Quintet) Matthew Brown